Former Powell Elementary PTA treasurer being sued by DC AG for theft of money meant for students

Former Powell Elementary PTA treasurer being sued by DC AG for theft of money meant for students

The DC Attorney General’s office has filed a lawsuit against Robynn Chandler-Mitchell, the former Treasurer of Powell Padres, the Powell Elementary parent-teachers organization, for failing to return almost $19,000 she took from the Powell PTA.

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During a global pandemic, someone actually stole a large, heavy... ceramic turtle?

During a global pandemic, someone actually stole a large, heavy... ceramic turtle?

A homeowner on Kansas Avenue NW, near Quincy and Randolph, reported that someone (or a couple of someones?) stole a large ceramic planter from her front yard in the middle of the night. The planter was full of soil and a plant, and at about 2 1/2 feet long and a foot and a half tall, was pretty heavy.

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Thieves make off with Qualia's safe

Thieves make off with Qualia's safe

The holiday spirit is not alive and well in some people in the neighborhood. Qualia Coffee (3917 Georgia Avenue NW) had a break-in this weekend.

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